Friday, September 18, 2015

Why I Began This Blog: The Creative Class Sparked a Blazing Bonfire

When I was in private practice as a career counselor, I frequently gave talks to the public about creativity. Although I spoke in a different place to a different audience each time, the exact same thing happened afterward. Can you guess?

An adult from the audience would approach me. After a quick thank you, she identified herself as a parent or grandparent and began to tell me, not about herself or her work, and certainly not about the pearls of wisdom I had just shared in my presentation, but about the talent in her child or grandchild.

I get it. A parent and a step-grandparent myself, I'm right there with you when you express your concern for your kids and their futures. I want the best for my child and grandchildren—and for yours too. That's one reason I began this blog.

In retrospect, during those impromptu conversations after my talks, I was gathering tinder—small, seemingly lightweight stuff for starting a fire. I didn't put a match to the tinder until years later, when I was revising my career book, The Career Guide for Creative and Unconventional People. In the process of doing library research for my third edition, I read Richard Florida's book, The Rise of the Creative Class, in which he claimed that prosperity is created by the Three T's—Technology, Tolerance, and Talent—coming together in the nexus of place, as they did in the 1970's in what became the Silicon Valley.

Florida's ideas burned inside me with a small but steady flame, something like a pilot light. Inspired by his vision of creativity as an economic force for good, I wondered for some time what I could do as a creativity expert and writer to extend his message. Eventually, my answer came: While I knew next to nothing about exploiting technology or fostering tolerance, I could share volumes about mentoring talent.

For starters, my work as a counselor was about helping people flourish via a relationship. After all, a counselor is a mentor, someone who uses their interpersonal skills to benefit another. Moreover, I was trained as a counseling psychologist, that sort of psychologist most focused on client strengths. As the poster child for what not to do with my own career, I had quite naturally developed an avid interest in counseling psychology's vocational track and had therefore acquired a significant academic background regarding career choice, knowledge that remains stacked within me, like a woodpile.

I had also learned about developing talent from thirty-two years of experience across the entire spectrum of educational settings, from Kindergarten to post doc. In New Orleans, Seattle, and Pittsburgh, I counseled thousands of clients with both personal and career concerns and also taught single students in my private office as well as classrooms of twenty-five and lecture halls of 250. One of my community colleges was ninety-eight percent white; one of the universities, ninety-eight percent black. At the end of my career I became a school psychologist in Ft Collins, evaluating gifted as well as disabled learners and serving students both directly and indirectly, by consulting with their teachers and parents.

In short, I've been in the trenches, where it was easy to observe the diverse dismaying disconnects between students and learning, between one educational institution and another, and between education and employment in the United States. Many aspects of our educational system disturb me, and now that I'm retired, I'm in a position to communicate what I believe to be a simpler but superior strategy.

Since I think like a psychologist, my strategy is based on psychological concepts. Please understand: for me, psychology does not mean abnormality. Mental illness does not interest me much. On the other hand, nerdy psychological topics like the factor analytic structure of intelligence or vocational interests? Those are fascinating! In fact, I find them so interesting that I've collected a banker's box of ideas, enough fuel to keep a talent mentoring fire burning for a decade.

One of the books on my shelf is The Flight of the Creative Class, Richard Florida's sequel. In it, he wrote: "Today, for perhaps the first time in human history, we have the opportunity to align economic and human development. Indeed, our future economic prosperity turns on making the most of each and every human being's talents and energies."

Now that's a goal I can get behind. I invite you to join me in building an online community of parents, grandparents, and teachers. I'll share what I know, and I hope to learn what you believe and what's worked for you in mentoring your son or granddaughter or student. Let's build a blazing bonfire, mentoring talent so that the generations that follow can derive career direction and job security, along with greater wealth and contentment, from developing their signature strengths.

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